St. Pete Political Football
Not exactly politics, but a recent bit of political football - I am speaking, of course, about the Baywalk sidewalk.
I want to give credit to my favoroite St. Pete Times columnist Howard Troxler. I was listening to him on WMNF today.
To paraphrase what he said - mayor-to-be Bill Foster and other local politicos have decided that the real problem with Baywalk is not 12.5% unemployment, (almost twenty percent higher than the nation, as a whole - heckuva job, you're doing there, Crist), a weird collection of less than popular shops, and the hordes of teenagers loitering around the premises. No - our great and wise leaders have decided that peace protests, occurring about once a week and lasting for about hour - that these people (numbering perhaps a dozen on a good night) are the real problem and not the Charlie Crist economy, the businesses themselves, nor roving bands of teenagers.
All in all, I would say this is classic St. Petersburg government.