Floridians Split on DNC Decision
A recent poll by the Atlanta-based firm InsiderAdvantage shows about 53 percent of Florida Democrats oppose the DNC's decision to strip us our convention delegates if we refuse to move our presidential nomination caucus to February 5th or later.
I could not discover what the margin of error for this poll is, but one can assume it is between +/- 3-5%, which means that half of Florida Democrats are either haven't made up their minds on this issue or believe that it is time for the DNC to stop this madness - even if it costs Florida whatever prestige we have left after the 2000 election debacle, the Bob Allen debacle, the Terry Schiavo debacle, the 2006 Sarasota election debacle... but I digress.
What this poll tells me is that most Florida Democrats are understandably upset at how the legislature's stupidity has cost us, but that many also realize that a) rules are rules and it's not like Tallahassee didn't know that both the DNC and RNC had bylaws in place against this action, b) the frontloading of the presidential primaries helps no one except the frontrunners and hurts us, the American people.
One more thing - Wyoming has decided to say "to hell with it" and schedule their caucus for January 5th, which means that Iowa and New Hampshire will probably hold their contests in 2007.