Your most important investment
What is the single most important investment you can make if you are a local candidate running for office?
Your website? Nope.
Your yard signs? Heck no!
Your palm card? You’re getting closer.
It’s your voter file.
Without a voter file, you’re just driving in the dark without your headlights.
In its cheapest, a voter file is just an excel spreadsheet of voters in your district that you got from the county.
In its best form, you actually go to a voter file vendor, including the VAN (Voter Activation Network), Catalist, or Political Data Systems and get a real database of voters that you can manipulate into a useful form and that has additional, value added data, like precinct level NCEC data or data modeling functions.
With a good voter file, you can make the best of your time going door to door, asking for your support.
Without a good voter file, not only are you not making the best use of your time, you are not able to craft a realistic campaign plan that leads you from point A to 50% + 1 votes.