
Friday, July 27, 2007

Five Point Plan for Climate Change

The Florida Democratic Party expressed support for the Climate Change Intiative being spearheaded for Gov. Charlie Crist and CFO Alex Sink.

In order to build support for the Governor's bi-partisan plan (which is generating opposition from many Republicans), the Florida Democratic Party has unveiled it's Energy Reform and Climate Change Initiative, a five point plan it is asking people to endorse.

Point 1:
I support the establishment of a renewable energy standard for the state. Furthermore, I believe benchmarks should be set to require that more energy come from renewable sources in the future.

Point 2:
I support the Governor’s Executive Order to explore a cap and trade program for industry, but I also believe we must ensure that this program will offer flexibility to industries that cannot meet the strict standards while still achieving an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Point 3:
I support programs such as a statewide net metering plan to give consumers and businesses a financial incentive to generate electricity with solar panels and other technologies.

Point 4:
I support requiring that our full state vehicle fleet be made up of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles as soon as possible with a program to phase out older vehicles for more environmentally friendly ones.

Point 5:
I support the idea that Florida should be a trendsetter in the construction of energy efficient buildings by adopting green building or similar standards for all new state offices and public schools.

Picture shows a projection of the effect of rising sea levels (triggered by the melting of the ice caps due to global warming) on Florida.


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