
Monday, June 16, 2008

Crist Blows his Audition

Gov. Charlie Crist has been aggressively building his national profile (hence the running jokes one hears about him never being in Florida) ever since people started saying his name as a possible VP candidate.

Crist recently made a pilgrimage to Orange County California - the breadbasket of Republican fundraising counties for a Flag Day Dinner, where he was keynote speaker. In a mere nine minutes he managed to get Reagan and Nixon confused (note to Crist: Nixon was the one from Orange County) and generally received very bad reviews from the veritable ATM machine of the Republican Party nationally.

In general, his VP odds do not improve the more he campaigns for it.

On another note, the blogger is about ready to give up air travel. On my trip to and from the West, so-called weather delays (I saw so-called because I could clearly hear the crew talk about a maintennance problem) stranded me for hours in Cinncinnati and later Chicago. Perhaps if Crist went through what I suffered, he might stay in Florida more.


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