
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Strategic Vision Poll Gives Republicans the Edge in Governor's Race

The latest Strategic Vision poll gives the Republicans the edge in the Florida governor's race. In a head to head match up, Attorney General Crist has a seven point lead on Congressman Jim Davis - just outside the margin of error. CFO Gallagher's holds a four point lead on Davis - which is within the margin of error. Both Republican candidates hold larger leads in this poll against Senator Rod Smith.

A Quinnipiac poll recently found the two parties to be in a statistical dead heat in the governor's race.

At the Congressional level, a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll follows recent form by showing President Bush's approval rating at a new low - 36%. The Strategic Vision poll found Florida voters to hold the President at the same low numbers. More worryingly for Republican - particularly Republican running for Congress or the U.S. Senate - the WSJ/NBC poll found that voters believed national issues, where the GOP is weakest at present, to be more important than local issues.


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